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Bonus episodes are available on our Patreon.


You're Too Sticky

In our premiere episode, Britt takes Peter on a journey to Scotland to tell the story of the Kelpie, a sticky horse-man-beast from Scottish folklore. Britt reads poetry poorly and brutally murders the pronunciation of several words and Peter comes up with several new business ideas in case this doesn't work out.


The Bad Boy of Paranormal Research and the Un-Christian Burial

In this week's episode, we go to Essex, England to hear about the history and ghostly apparitions of the Borely Rectory. Britt still manages to mispronounce words in her native tongue, and Peter again comes up with better business ideas than this podcast.


A Demon Slumber Party with Roland Doe

In this week's episode we dive into the true story behind the book and film The Exorcist, the exorcism of Roland Doe. Britt accidentally summons a demon, we talk about picking up the archangel Michael at a bar, and go over the instructions for a cat baptism, and learn how to get a prescription for a Catholic Priest.



A Spectral Kitty and a Naked Winston Churchill: Ghosts of the White House

This week we go over Britt's Top 10 - 1 = 9 Ghost of the White House. We learn about the spooky stories of the residents of the White House who still linger, catching visitors at a disadvantage. Britt confesses her affection for Abraham Lincoln and confuses Coolidge with Cool Ranch. We stan Dolley Madison & Alice Roosevelt. We also go over the weirdest pets of the Presidents and discover the possible source of sightings of an ominous cat that portents national disasters.


The Wizards of Waverly Hills Sanitorium

This week we talk about the many ghosts who haunt Waverly Hills Sanitorium of Louisville, KY. We also discuss how (not) cool we were in high school, how cute Selena Gomez is, and come up with a new business venture to bring more gargoyles into the lives of the American people.


Sarah Winchester's Ghost Contractor and the Francis Bacon Ballroom Birthday

In this episode, we venture down to San Jose, California to tell you about No-Chill-Britt's favorite place in the world, the Winchester Mystery House and Sara Winchester. Peter and Britt pick on Welsley, discuss the pros and cons of ghost contractors, plan out our future architectural plans for the Oswald Myster McMansion, and Peter has only 7 years to plan the best birthday ever. Strippers, please send your applications to CreepyPizzaPodcast@gmail.com



The Jersey Devil Wears Uggs

In this episode, we head to the Jersey Shore, well, actually the Jersey Pine Barrens, to learn about the creepy cryptid, the Jersey Devil.

We go off on a pun tangent, again. Sneeches get Leeches. Benjamin Franklin rears his head again, and Britt really needs to go back to First Grade history. We plan a canon ball play date. When in doubt blame the devil, the Jersey Devil. Birds are dinosaurs - FIGHT ME!


A Brief History of Spiritualism, Feminism, and the Fox Sisters

In this week's episode, Britt tells Peter about the Fox Sisters, the Hydesville Events, their rise to fame, and their inevitable decline. It's got ladies showing their ankles, bad boys of paranormal, an all-star cast of bored teenagers, and the ghosts that started it all, Mr. Splitfoot. This episode will have you knocking your knees and cracking your toes!


If the Ax Don't Fit, You Must Acquit!

This week, Britt takes Peter back to his hometown(kinda) with the story of the Lizzie Borden House and the still-unsolved ax murders of Andrew and Abby Borden. Britt spouts out theories on who the murder is and why there are hauntings at the Borden House.


The Lost Pilot Episode: The Man in the Blue Unitard and Bovine Shop-Vac - Skinwalker Ranch

We hit episode 10! And to celebrate we are releasing the lost pilot episode we recorded before we actually made this a thing. Britt tells Peter a story that has EVERYTHING. Ghost, Aliens, Government Conspiracies, Butterized Dogs, Real Estate Moguls, and MORE!


JUST BURN THE DAMN DOLL - the horror story of Annabelle the Doll

What could be scary about a little soft stuffed toy doll? Everything. Britt opens up a whole can of nope this week for Peter who does not want to hear about it, but really, who does want to know the true story behind a haunted Raggedy Ann doll? Well, besides you. Remember if the ghost says it's a little girl, it's probably a demon, and if it's a demon, call a priest. We also introduce two new reoccurring characters into our pizzeria, Ed and Elizabeth/Lorraine Warren.

Also sorry for the quiet audio on Britt’s end, one of the two ghosts attached to her was sitting in front of the microphone.


Demon Bacon Comedy Sandwich - The Amityville Horror

In this week's episode we dive into the true story behind the book and film The Exorcist, the exorcism of Roland Doe. Britt accidentally summons a demon, we talk about picking up the archangel Michael at a bar, and go over the instructions for a cat baptism, and learn how to get a prescription for a Catholic Priest.



My Chemical Squonks: Fearsome Critters Countdown

This week we do another countdown! Britt's top ten but it's not in the right order for a top ten. We discover some fearsome critters, where they came from, and pick out some favorites. Peter comes up with a game plan on not how to get eaten. Britt thinks most of the deadliest creatures are cute. Have a squonking good time learning about the FEARSOME CRITTERS!


Lord Breakfast and the Fencing French Pirate: The Skaill House, Scotland

This week we head back to Scotland for a haunted house that's more like a castle, an island that rocks, and the fanciest dishes from the meaniest of pirates. We're heavy on the tangents this week, but they're worth it. Join us for a slice of spooky ghosty Scottish Haunting.


Man the Battens! Ghosts of St. Augustine Lighthouse

Enjoy this episode of Creepy Pizza where Britt takes Peter to St. Augustine, to see the St. Augustine Lighthouse. We're feminists, not Confederates. We make up new words, again. Peter aspires to live that Lighthouse keeper vibe. We hear about the cigar-smoking, prank-pulling, ghosties.

Bonus: This week has an extra side story of Britt's ghost experience at the Mitzpah Hotel In Tonapah, NV.



Dragoons in Drag and Meat Scarecrows - Beast of Gévaudan (Bête du Gévaudan)

In this week's episode, Britt takes Peter on a journey back in time to France in the 1760s for a chilling tale of an unsolved mystery, that we claim to solve. This is the story of the Beast of Gévaudan, la Bête du Gévaudan, a terrifying beast that ravaged France. We co over the fashionable hunting techniques, propose a new version of the Goonies but with a wolf monster, as well as butcher the French language like loup-garou butchers fair maidens.


The Romaniac Cryptid Picnic - Hoia-Baciu Forest, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

This weekly special is a slice with all the toppings. Sit down in the Pizzeria for a tantalizing tale that takes you to Romania. No not vampires, but we're getting there. In this episode, Britt tells Peter of all the spooky happenings in a forest just outside of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Welcome to the Hoia-Baciu forest, we got ghosts, cryptids, time travel, aliens, inter-dimensional travel. All coming at you alongside laughs and tangents aplenty!


UF-Oh No... The Abduction of Betty and Barney Hill

This week's episode is probe-ably our freakiest yet! Britt tells the tale of Betty and Barney Hill and their alien abduction experience. In one of our sidebars we create a new fearsome critter. There is a lot of bad singing. You will be hypnotized by our puns. We talk about this genre starting form of first-contact or second-contact? Is it like reaching second base? If so then Barney DEFINATELY had third-contact. Sit down and have a slice of this out-of-this-world episode.


Robert Did It, We Swear!: Robert The Haunted Doll

In this week's episode, we head back down to Florida, to the Florida Keys, we find the foremost haunted doll in the world. Once again Britt talks about a creepy haunted/possessed doll. This is the story of Robert the Doll, the before-there-time influencers Gene and Anne, Myrtle Reuter the turtle, and where they all ended up. Don't worry, just follow the rules and Robert won't curse you with bad luck. Sign our petition for more innocuous haunted dolls.


The Texas Ladies Man and The Suicide Brides: The Driskill Hotel - Austin, TX

This week we are down in Austin, TX for the ghosts of the The Driskill Hotel, where people have checked-in and never checked out. This hotel is know for being haunted by a cattle baron with charisma, brides who deserved better, and a creepy little girl. We tangent on turned our remains into diamond, dating the undead, and what not to do before your wedding.

Sound effects by Britt.


"Can I Use Your Motorola Razor?" - The Black Eyed Kids (BEKs)

During the PNW heatwave, Britt tells Peter the chilling stories of the American Folklore/Urban Legend of the Black Eyed Kids. Are they ghost? Aliens? Faeries? Britt's future kids going out on Halloween? Who knows! All we do know is they are creepy. Listen to learn more!



Flakey Ghost Cheese and Jam Sandwich: The Monte Cristo Homestead

The Creepy Pizza Pals head down unda' for our first story from Australia! Britt tells Peter about the Monte Cristo Sandwich and the Homestead it was named after.* Not quite a top ten, but there are ten ghosts. Including but not limited to; screaming boys, screaming babies, laughing babies, streaming women, and judgemental stares. Want to plan your next trip? Head to this ScareBnB for a victorian fright night. So hop on the Creepy Pizza haunted train and head down to the Monte Cristo Homestead!


The Good, The Bad, The Yokai: Britt’s T-t-t-t-t-t-top 10

In this week's episode, we're going to Japan to learn about 10 different Japanese Yokai. This is Britt's T-T-T-T-TOP TEN, so they aren't in a specific order, just Yokai she thought were cool. We try to come up with some good consequences and fail. How do hyenas keep circling back into our episode? Is there a cousin of the Squonk living in Japan? Listen to find out!


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